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The photo shows a group of teenagers, sitting in grass in front of their school. They are laughing and having a good time together.

BodyTalk Access Training for Teachers  

The mental and physical well-being of teachers is crucial for a successful everyday school life. They not only share knowledge with children and young people, but also stimulate the children’s and young people’s social and emotional intelligence.


Since the pandemic, the demands on teachers have risen steadily. The performance of many children and adolescents has declined, and in some cases psychological problems impair concentration and receptiveness: almost every third child in Germany shows signs of psychological stress. This is one of the findings of the COPSY study  conducted by the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Hamburg University Hospital.



The BodyTalk Access Training  can help teachers strengthen their own resilience and thus ensure an optimal learning environment. What makes it special is that the BodyTalk Access Training techniques  can be practiced with the students in class, or during sports or breaks. The exercises are fun and restore the inner balance of children and young people.

Firmly anchored in
training program

On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth Luxembourg (Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse).

I successfully give the BodyTalk Access Training to teachers and lecturers. It is offered by IFEN (Institut de Formation de l'Éducation Nationale), the national professional training institute.

Bring BodyTalk to your school!

Are you interested in using BodyTalk to make everyday life at your school more balanced? Book a BodyTalk Access Training  with me. I will come to your school and teach you and your staff the techniques that will support you both personally and in your work with children and young people. You can also integrate the techniques into your lessons in a playful way – so your pupils will also benefit from the positive effects of BodyTalk.


If you are interested, I can also design the training for the needs

of pupils or parents. The possibilities of the BodyTalk Access Training

are manifold.


I look forward to your enquiry.

Experiences from teachers

Anniek Lemmer, a primary school teacher in Luxembourg, took part in the BodyTalk Access Training. What she learned is now part of her teaching concept and has a positive impact on the pupils.

"In the beginning, there was much laughter about our collective tapping, but now it is part of our everyday school life. Some students even practice the technique on their own when they feel stressed or tired. I myself do the Cortices in between to clear my head."

Mara Grehten is also a teacher in Luxembourg and has integrated BodyTalk in the classroom.  


"I use BodyTalk in a class where there are many social and socio-emotional issues. To my amazement, every student joined in. After we practiced Cortices, the atmosphere calmed down immediately and became more pleasant. The pupils noticed it too. The next day I repeated the technique and on the third day some of the pupils asked for the exercise. They told me that it helped them concentrate. Some even showed it to their parents.

It made me happy.”

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